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Formula One as High Performance Sport – What Makes a Driver Into a Champion?

Formula One is one of the most demanding sports there is, with a mixture of physical and mental strain. Even more so in the past season with the compressed race schedule and Covid-19 measures. In this fast paced environment, how do the F1 drivers prepare for races?

Watch this discussion with Hintsa’s Senior Performance Coach Antti Kontsas and two-time Formula 1 World Champion Mika Häkkinen to hear how training for F1 has changed over the years, how the preparation is different compared to other sports and what kind of role simulators and e-sports play in the training. You will also hear more about the psychology of racing, why a winning driver needs to have a growth mindset and the role of self-confidence when competing against the best in the world. The video has been done in collaboration with iNZDR.