Good news! A complete facelift for HeiaHeia’s web interface.

We’ve just introduced a full update to the web interface of HeiaHeia! Check it out by pointing your browser to Note: this version is meant for “desktop use” on your computer. For Android or iOS mobile devices, please use our mobile apps.
This update improves the usability of the service and refreshes its look and feel. HeiaHeia is a platform that combines a social exercise and wellbeing diary for anybody’s personal use, community functionality e.g. for employee wellbeing use, and coaching tools for professional coach use – providing a seamless experience between these three use cases is our target.
Basically the whole user interface has been rebuilt in this update, so let us walk you through some of HeiaHeia’s key features, and how they work in the new interface.
Personal use
The personal account is the same for all HeiaHeia users: it’s a social exercise and wellbeing diary.
- Create healthy habits by setting a weekly exercise goal. A weekly goal drives stability, but is also forgiving (you can start over every Monday 😉 ).
- Keep track of all your exercises, or connect your wearable device for automatic tracking. Everything counts, and exercise shouldn’t be too serious – over 500 exercise types are supported.
- Social: Connect with likeminded people by making friends in the service. Make your entries social by adding photos and stories. Cheer for your friends’ entries!
- Content: basic libraries with training programs and exercises are included.
- Statistics: Revisit your achievements in the stats page. Use sport types and tags to filter the view.
Highlights of the changes:
- Main navigation: click through the main pages (home – exercise library – agenda – friends – stats – training log) in the header bar
- Making entries: click the red “+” button to make an entry
- Cheering: We’ve dropped the old “user levels” in this update – everyone has unlimited cheers!
- New: we’ve introduced an “Agenda” view in the web interface. This view shows your planned activities, from a training program or from your coach. Click on today’s events to complete them.
- Note: We’ve dropped the old “groups” functionality in this update to simplify the product. Besides personal accounts and friendships, the social side of the service now consists of “communities” and “teams” inside communities. If you’ve been an active user of the groups, and have not been converted into a community, you can contact our support.
Community use
HeiaHeia communities are a flexible tool for employee wellbeing and other programs that encourage healthy lifestyles.
- Memberships: community memberships can be managed with invitations or codes
- Teams: communities can be divided into teams for communication and challenges
- Campaigns: we provide flexible tools for communities that have joint goals (e.g. cycling kilometres), team races (e.g. sales, marketing, and R&D competing over who climbs the most stairs), or me vs community campaigns, where you can compare your own activity vs the average of your community.
- Rewarding: a nice way for many companies to reward long term sustained healthy behaviours is to use our “wellbeing score” as the basis for rewarding. The wellbeing score gamifies balanced wellbeing by turning healthy actions into points, and points into user levels.
- Content: communities include rich libraries of wellbeing tests, training programs, and exercises.
- Communication: communities receive quarterly changing wellbeing themed communication, with an option for admins to include their own messages.
Highlights of the changes:
- New switch in the header “My HeiaHeia” / “Company name” to navigate between personal and community views
- Campaigns: complete redesign of campaign meters
- Admin usage: a new “admin actions” menu in the web interface
- Teams: redesigned group chat
Professional coach use
HeiaHeia’s coach tools enable coaches to manage their clientele, monitor clients’ activities and wearable data, plan actions and programs to the clients based on available content libraries, and communicate privately with the clients.
Coaches that utilise our tools currently include:
- Sports coaches: teams and individual clients
- Physiotherapists: tests, programs & monitoring
- Nutritionists: meal logging and analysis
Highlights of the changes:
- “Clients” page on a very prominent place in the main navigation for coaches
- Improved usability
How do you like it? What works? What’s missing?
Interested in hearing more about communities or coaching?

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