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Next steps: Finetuning the HeiaHeia facelift (updated)


We introduced a major update to HeiaHeia’s web interface on April 1st! Read more and please give feedback!

(Updated April 30 2018)

We’re super happy about the amount of feedback we have received – it helps us in developing the service to a direction that is most useful to you, our dear users and customers.

Three major improvement topics from the feedback we’ve received so far:

  • Many people have stated their keenness on the “horizontal timelines”, i.e. the 2-3 week view to your personal activities, the activities of you and your friends, and members of teams.

  • Making entries: the new menu under the “plus button” cleans up a lot of clutter in the interface, but also has brought some issues e.g. in speed of making entries, browsing sport types, and discovering some options, like making weight entries (tip: it’s under “extras”)
  • Groups: we removed the old groups, and focused on “Communities” and “Teams”

Our first conclusions based on the feedback:

  • Live: We’ve re-introduced the horizontal timelines: your own log (“Training log” page), the friend log (“Friends” page), and the team log (“Teams” page on in a community).
  • Live: Making entries: We’ve updated the “plus menu”. When making an exercise entry, you’ll first see your favourite sport types, by clicking “show all” you’ll see all the supported sport types by category. Making a weight log entry and all other extras are now on the first level of the plus menu.

  • Groups: if you want to convert your old Group to a “Community”, please contact us