Revenio Wellbeing Breaks

Here you can find all the recordings of the Wellbeing Break sessions, if you we’re not able to join the sessions live:
Shoulder and neck training 24th of March
Bodyweight training 31st of March
Mobility training 7th of April
Shoulder and neck training 21st of April
Bodyweight training 28th of April
Stretching upper body 19th of May
Stretching lower body 26th of May
Core Muscle training 2nd of June
Stretching upper body 25th of June
Stretching upper body 28th of August
Stretching lower body 1st of September
Core muscle training 9th of September
Resistance band exercise 29th of September
Bodyweight training 20th of October
Recordings are available for you until the end of your wellbeing programme.

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