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Wellbeing is a Skill – Watch Our Short Videos on How to Upskill Your People in 2023

How is your organisation supporting people with wellbeing? Is wellbeing training part of your curriculum? Wellbeing is a skill you can develop – and it’s increasingly important in today’s workplace. Watch our short videos on how to upskill your people on the crucial skills of wellbeing in 2023.

1. Managing the 3 Wellbeing & Performance Modes – Surviving, Performing & Thriving

Wellbeing is a skill everyone can develop. How are you training your people in 2023 to manage these three wellbeing and performance modes: Surviving, Performing and Thriving?

2. Why Recovery is Part of the Job – In Sports & Business

For athletes, recovery is part of the job. In the workplace, we haven’t fully learned the value of recovery – yet. Upskill your people in 2023 on the crucial skills of wellbeing – guided by the world’s best coaches and learnings from sports.

3. Optimising Your Performance During the Day is a Skill You Can Learn

There’s an illusion that we can operate at a high level 24/7. The bad news: that’s not true. The good news: optimising your performance during the day is a skill you can learn.

4. Know Your Personal Peaks & Valleys – And How to Influence Them

Did you know that your cognitive performance varies by ~20% during an average workday? Knowing your personal peaks and valleys (and how to influence them) is a skill you can develop.

5. How to Succeed When You’re Not at Your Best?

It’s easy to work well when things are easy. But how do we pull through in tougher times? Mastering your physical and mental wellbeing and performance is a skill you can learn – with the right tools.

6. Mastering Stress & Fighting Back Fatigue is a Skill You Can Develop  

When we’re exhausted, we commonly think: I’m alone with this. No one else feels like I do.  Rest assured, that’s not true – you’re not alone. Mastering stress and fighting back fatigue is a skill we can (should!) develop.  

7. What Happens to Us Under Stress?

Stress is a fact of life.  What happens to us under stress? When can stress be helpful vs. when does it become hurtful?  Mastering stress – for yourself and in your team – is a skill you can (and should) develop.